Trace who have Unfriended you from his friendlist on Facebook
Find out who removed you on Facebook that you removed. Well, here is a way to find those responsible for the decline. Here's a way to do it.
> First you need to download and install Unfriend Finder for browser.At is currently only available for Opera, Safari, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.If using Mozilla also have to install Greasemonkey.
> The next step is to log on to your Facebook account. You will see an additional option "unfriends" for options on the top right of the Facebook to see people that you have deleted from friends list.The only problem is that you get to meet your friends on Facebook out to their friends list only after a few days of retreat.
Another great feature of this application is that you can see people who have ignored the friend request and the way Facebook notifies you when someone accepts the friend request notifications in the upper left corner of the Facebook window.
Note that the installation of this application will have access to information that can make you sad bitter.Maybe and this is one of the features of Facebook that left out for the sake of users. Sharing is sexy
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