Search faster than ever before

By Unknown Friday, June 7, 2013 0 comments
faster search
This trick will make the internet search faster and more powerful than ever before.

1. Get TweakUI Powertoy for Windows XP

2. Start -> Programs -> PowerToys for Windows XP -> TweakUI for Windows XP

3. Click the "+" sign next to 'Internet Explorer'

4. Highlight 'Search'

5. The right mouse button in the plan of 'Create'.

6. For the prefix, type 'Google' or is too lazy (like me), then 'g'

7. to the URL, type: =%s& num=100

The 'hl' is language, the 'q' is the query, and the "number" is the number of results per page. To search for multiple keywords at a time, using the format '+ car google monkey' or simply 'monkey g + drive depending on how you choose to configure.

If you use another search engine, then you must have never tried Google.

Here are some reasons that will help you convince:

It has graphics to load, no popups, no ads and codes of search terms in bold to treat pages that lists are everything I wanted. Sharing is sexy

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