How to Make a Virus Undetectable

By Unknown Monday, May 13, 2013 0 comments
undetectable virus

You may not be aware that what is hex editing and may not know that, how can we use this technique to hide our malware or Trojan. Many of you know of other ways to hide too much virus as the use of public cyptors also
be posted here shortly. Many of you have wondered how to hide a trojan or keylogger created on the server for the virus to the victim can not identify the virus and could not have been warned. So, I definitely want to tell my readers that how hackers make it possible and how you can be fooled by hackers, as they can also trick your anti-virus, so it is necessary that you should have this knowledge as the sight of safety. 
What is the hex editing?Hex Editing is a method to hide several programs which contain viruses and Trojans by a specific virus. Here I used the specific word, because it's really up to you, which antivirus for those who want to hex edit. for the particular antivirus can not catch the virus. Now if the Trojan is very popular and viral code is older than her, so that each more than antivirus can contain all the information about this trojan and virus. So, here comes the hard work is up to you. In the editing of the program codes for the hexagon are eliminated, which are due to the detection of virus or altered to some other coding may not be present in the virus definition as viral code. Then, with this scheme can easily overlook the desired antivirus.

How to Edit Hex ?Now, in order to find the particular viral code present in the antivirus definition as viral code we have to divide our Troy in many parts. And after the parts are separated again shows the detection of virus as a virus warning. Now, once again we have to divide the parties and, therefore, this pattern is repeated until you find the exact part then you need a hex editor to modify the specific code. for example, xx is present in the source antivirus definition of viral as we will see a change in the way that xy antivirus can not detect. After that we will put all the pieces into a single executable file. So what do we need?

A server decompresses Trojan (virus)
File Splitter (Download File Splitter here)
Hex Editor (Hex Editor Download Open Source here)Using the splitter to distribute the infected program into small pieces and then scan each side, when a part is detected as a virus redeployment to a new folder and scan each part and do this until you get a smaller part of the code containing viral that can be recognized by anti-virus. Edit the part or parts hex editor and change the value of the first line to 0, as I have done: -

and then scan again if you get a virus warning again and then do the same with the next line and save it and then scan hope after the alarm does not occur. Now the reconstruction of parts of the "splitter manufacturer exe" in each folder that splits a file and then go on and start to melt before the date of exe file divider for each part that was distributed at the same folder where it splits anywhere. And then analyze the Trojans in the end and hopefully not detectable. I will explain all this in detail one day. That's enough for today. Sharing is sexy

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