Some usefull windows system tweaks
1. Disable System Restore
You can get a lot of disk space by disabling System Restore. (You should already have a backup system in place before you do this.) In Vista, right-click My Computer, select Advanced System Settings, click the System Protection tab and deselect units . In XP, right-click My Computer, and then click system operations, click "View System Information".
Click the System Restore tab and click the box next to "Turn off System Restore on all drives" to disable.
2. Configuring Windows Update
Windows Update is great, but if you look at the autopilot, download the updates that require a restart, then install torment forever, and eventually restarts itself. Change settings of Windows Update (in the Security section of the Windows Control Panel) to download updates, but will prompt you to install it.
3. Disable delete confirmation
You can turn off the prompt that appears every time you delete something by right clicking on the Recycle Bin and select Properties. Disable delete confirmation box, click Apply, then OK and you're done. You can also bypass the Recycle Bin, hold down the Shift key when deleting files.
4. Disable animations
Windows animations sliding window fashion, but you can improve system performance by turning off completely. Right-click My Computer and select Properties. In Vista, select Advanced System Settings or click the Advanced tab in XP. Click Settings in the performance and clear each check box that says the animated slide, or fade.
5. Create a custom toolbar
If you are constantly having access to a particular folder, you can add to the taskbar for quick access. Click the taskbar and scroll to Toolbars and select New Toolbar. This will open a Windows Explorer window, in order to locate and select the folder. It is also useful to add My Computer as a toolbar. Sharing is sexy
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