Top 10 Facts about Windows 8

By Unknown Sunday, May 5, 2013 0 comments
Windows 8 Facts
We covered Windows 8 and updates its love-hate relationship unique, with its millions of users around the world who religiously follow your progress and jump at any opportunity to beta test, just to talk bad about it later and call it shit! Windows 8 has had a huge impact on the world of technology and revolutionize the way people surf the Internet and perform normal daily activities.
Skip to team up with another Windows 8 is no longer a real pain, as it can import all your settings and customizations with a single click! The new Metro interface, which comes with Windows 8 has received a lot of mixed reviews with people who are enthusiastic and care of it, at the same time! Windows 8 will be faster and more manageable than Windows Vista and can be easily replaced by a single payment of $ 15 or more for Microsoft if it passes the test itself. The Top 10 Windows 8 Facts listed below.10. Windows 8 PreviewWindows 8 is here with a band, albeit preview. The preview of Windows 8 has become one of the most downloaded files software websites as people rush to get the first glimpse of the future. You can get the installation files and guides to install Windows 8 virtually anywhere! The sights have been to the point of making new and independent sections for the new episode of Windows. Lobbies are already discussing with each other, if this version is total loss or, even better, as more and more people are testing and take a stand.9. System requirements sameThe most surprising thing about Windows 8 is that the end result does not require new hardware and runs smoothly on the same system where you installed Vista! Upgrading to new systems to use Windows 8 is not necessary as the new Microsoft Windows boots faster than Vista on the same machine! Microsoft has done a lot of the promises of this new version and is only a matter of time before we find out if those promises are kept or not.8. Tablet-orientedWith a full touch-based design and design, Windows 8 tablet is oriented and are equally well on portable machines, such as tablets, PDAs and smart phones. This will solve a big difference between these two platforms and leading software as well as the desktop version of Windows 8 for the tablet version will be a breeze for developers. Furthermore, this implies that almost all monitors and screens will be touch screen future and the use of a mouse will become obsolete sooner than you imagine!7. The new interfaceNow here is where the brilliance of Windows 8 (or not). We had a go at it and tell you it is nothing like you have seen before. The new design and interface is known as the distribution of land and is optimized for touch screens, but it's just as easy to navigate with the mouse. Follow our advice and do not go for the new tour of Windows 8 and exercise when you are offering for the first time or you'll end up wasting a lot of time trying to find out. Although Windows 8 gives you the opportunity to return to the old layout of the table, but does not do justice to it and could be left out of the final version.6. Zoom lensThe zoom is integrated into the web browsing like never before and we have to recognize the genius behind this concept. You can zoom the browser at any time and get all kinds of content and suggestions, as well as all customizations and applications of the right of the page! The zoom will remain open the current page in the center with all the other options that are displayed on the sides and you can zoom back to search only! This innovative idea built into Windows 8 will certainly be more popular among users who enjoy extensive customizations.5. Always UpdatedWith a system based on the synchronization, Windows 8 will keep all devices and networks updated and intertwined. Call it the 3S (or something similar), synchronization, sharing and research will be conducted simultaneously and optimized depending on the person! You do not have to worry about our old bookmarks or mail as Windows 8 will always update automatically. It is not known so far whether this will be available exclusively for the new Internet Explorer and other browsers too.4. Reset ButtonAlthough the reset button seems too good to be true, is here people! Just press the button and rest your Windows 8 is like new! All we know about the reset button at this time is that it will restore all corrupt and damaged systems, and then you can load your profile again and each customization will be restored immediately! How does this affect the data and can be damaged or deleted data restored is something only time will tell! This button else is definitely a big step forward, as the Windows operating system is often very vulnerable to dangerous viruses and other malicious programs.3. Portable profilesWhat do we mean by profiles laptops is that once you log into your profile, synchronized windows and stores all customizations and options. All you have to do to export a profile on another computer that has access only! Gone are the times when we have hours or even days to customize your new windows. Now all you can do with a simple click of a mouse (and a couple of buttons, of course)!2. Hardware OptionsThere are a lot of dedicated hardware that is manufactured and rush to be shipped to stores that have been designed with Windows 8 in mind! Among these options, hardware, recently introduced by Microsoft SmartGlass highlights. The SmartGlass is an extension of your monitor or TV screen and is fully capable of playing Full HD movies and videos! Other hardware options and upcoming devices are portable and PC (do not forget Taich Asus dual screen), which have been optimized for Windows 8 and give you the best experience of my life!1. Android Applications in Windows 8Sounds like a dream come true for all PC users (except Apple's iOS and iPhone users). Android apps on Windows 8 will be affordable and you can transfer more of their favorite free apps as well as paid only by passing through a small intervention. Android apps on Windows 8 has opened almost infinite number of possibilities for the Android system to integrate in the new edition of Microsoft Windows. Asus has created a nifty application that thanks to BlueStacks successfully fill the gap between these two giants! Sharing is sexy

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