Some Cool Internet Tips

By Unknown Sunday, April 21, 2013 0 comments
internet tips

1.No need to type http:// before any web address.When typing an Internet address you do not need to type http:// or www. in the address. For example, if you want to visit Computer Hope you can simply type in and press Enter. To make things even faster, if you are visiting one direction.
.Com can type google and press Ctrl + Enter to enter full address
... Shortcuts to other domains :::: ..
 Shift + Enter =. net
 Ctrl + Shift + Enter =. org 

2.Use the Internet search engines to their full potential
Make sure you get the most out of each search result. If you are not finding what you want to prove that surrounds the text in quotes. For example, searching for "tricks" This fact finding pages that contain both the computer as an aid and not necessarily those pages that have computer and help next to each other. If you search for "tricks" with the quotes around the search query that returns only pages that actually have computer and help next to each other.

3.Internet Browser Shortcuts 
 - Pressing Alt + D in any major Internet browser moves the cursor in the address bar. This is a great way to get fast Internet address, without having to click the mouse cursor in the address bar. 
- Hold down the Ctrl key and press the + or - to zoom in or zoom out out.You can also be done by holding down the Ctrl key and scroll up or down! 
- Press the back key or hold down Alt + left arrow key to go back one page.
- Press the F5 key to refresh or reload a web page. 
- Press F11 to make the Internet browser screen full screen. Press F11 again to return to normal viewing.
- Press Ctrl + B to open your bookmarks from Internet.
- Press Ctrl + F to open the search box in your browser to search for text within the web page you're viewing. 

4.Take advantage of multiple tabbed browsing
Take full advantage of tabbed browsing in all web browsers today. When reading a web page, if you find a link that may be interested in the link opens in a new tab so you can see later. A new tab can be opened, hold down the Ctrl key and clicking on the link, or if you have a wheel mouse click on the link with the middle mouse button. 

5.Use online services
There are hundreds of free online services that can help make your computer easier to use, more productive and more fun. What Google services, Dropbox, etc. Sharing is sexy

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